Home How to make a free website like this

How to make a free website like this

Jon Barron’s template has become sort of gold standard portfolio for computer vision researcher’s. Recently I decided to upgrade it to this site for more functionalities and of course a bit of fanciness. Without any great knowledge about website design, I took the first step searching for some Github Page template since Github provides free host to static websites. Not only I found it’s super-duper easy to do this web, but also it came to me as a treasure box with thousands of freely available gem themes. (Interestingly, jekyll is managed by RubyGems). Hence it is only right for me to share another tutorial as an amateur.

Other great Tutorials

The Chirpy theme live demo gives a detailed tutorial on creating this website and posts. Another in-depth tutorial for Windows users is provided by Jade. Linux users can watch the video from Techno Tim:

TL;DR version

If you feel lazy and want to get the web done in 1 hour, just follow my too-long-didn’t-read version below.

Prerequisite knowledge

  • Git(not much)
  • Markdown(very easy)

Prerequisite installations

  1. Install Git, just keep the default installation settings.
  2. Install Ruby+Devkit latest stable release in bold text.
  3. Open a command prompt or PowerShell from Windows search bar.
  4. Install Jekyll
    gem install jekyll
  5. Install bundle
    gem install bundle
  1. Install Git
    sudo apt install git-all
  2. Install Ruby
    sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev
  3. Add environment variables
    echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Install jekyll and Bundler
    gem install jekyll bundler

If installed successfully, type following commands either in Windows or Linux shell should show the version of the packages:

ruby -v
gem -v
jekyll -v
bundler -v

Build the website

Now all the required softwares should have been installed, following actions will make the minimal Chirpy theme to work. Of course there are thousands other themes are available, the process is more or less the same.

1. Fork the Chirpy starter

Make sure you fork the Chirpy starter, not the the Chirpy demo repo. name the forked repo as GITHUB-USERNAME.github.io. In my case, it is simonzeng7108.github.io.

2. Clone the repo to local pc

You should clone the Github repo to your local folder either by download the repo or:

git clone https://github.com/GITHUB-USERNAME/GITHUB-USERNAME.github.io.git

3. Customise the _config.yml

_config.yml is the main file contains the info about you such as the website title, bio, your social links and etc…

4. Build the website locally

Open Windows or Linux shell and cd to local repo, then type

bundle exec jekyll s

Now you can check your website at

5. Push to Github

For Windows users, one last step before pushing to Github repo, since Github cloud serve is linux based.

bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux

Then for all users, just do the regular git push commands.

git add .
git commit -m "Init"
git push

After successfully pushing the local repo to Github, the Github will take a few minutes to build over the cloud, you can see the process at your repo’s Actions tab, green means build finished.

6. Check your website

Ta-da, your free website is available at https://GITHUB-USERNAME.github.io. For more customisation or create posts, check Chirpy official tutorial

Common issues

Local build fail after run `bundle exec jekyll s` Make sure the 4 prerequisite packages are installed correctly by checking the software versions. My experience was Ruby version 2+ does not work very well and should be updated version 3+.
Posts are generated locally, but not on Github domain For some reason, Github may not recognise some changes, just go to your Github repo's 'Actions' tab, click 'Build and deploy' and click 'Run workflow' to manually run the Github build again.
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.